Varsity Tutors for Schools Logo
Varsity Tutors for Schools

Dessert Social


Company Overview

Varsity Tutors for Schools is a leading provider of instructional solutions specifically designed to help school districts personalize learning through high-impact tutoring solutions at a scale. Our virtual model, tutor recruiting and matching approach, and proprietary platform allow for a highly personalized instructional experience with all the tools and support students need to succeed. Our platform includes assessments, reporting, and asynchronous instructional practice in addition to direct, live instruction. We can support Virginia school districts with tutor recruitment and matching, initial orientation and training, account set-up, configuration, and instructional delivery facilitated via our proprietary platform. Students are matched with one of 40,000 qualified, US-based tutors and support groups in as little as 24 hours. Adaptive diagnostics and ongoing assessments help pinpoint students' needs, create individualized learning plans, inform tutoring sessions, and track student progress. Schools have access to on-demand, chat-based tutoring, along with a flexible bank of hours to quickly scale up or ramp down 1:1 or small group tutoring for individual students, or groups of students with similar needs. “Office Hours and Learning Lab'' solutions provide access to live drop-in virtual office hours, allowing students to get the help they need while alleviating teacher burnout. Other solutions in the suite include personalized tutoring for distance learners and students who need additional support catching up to grade level; and Special Education tutors for students who qualify for services (IEP/504). These solutions are delivered on the Live Learning Platform that combines face-to-face video and a shared workspace with interactive tools for an engaging, personalized learning experience.

Contact (1)
John Montgomery

Head of Educational Partnerships at Varsity Tutors for Schools

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